Within about a month of moving to a new residence, you have to notify the DMV.
Month stickers for license plates registration#
All personal information should be updated prior to your registration renewal.
Month stickers for license plates update#
You will not receive a car plate sticker renewal notice regarding a registration update if you have changed your address since your last registration renewal but did not update your personal information with the DMV. If you are interested in learning more about what to do when your car sticker is not received, the consequences regarding driving without a sticker, where to get registration sticker and more, refer to the sections below. You will not be able to renew your registration until these penalties are paid off. It is important to note that if you drive when your registration sticker was not received, you could be subject to certain penalties or tickets in Virginia. However, you will be asked to provide emissions information if you failed the emissions test or the information has not yet reached the DMV. When it is time to renew your VA car tag sticker, your local DMV will not have to ask you any questions regarding your vehicle because the system will indicate that your emissions testing is up to date. When you do have your car’s emissions tested, your DMV vehicle record will be updated by the emissions inspection station. Many factors can play a part in license plate sticker not being received, such as not passing your emissions tests or not completing the required emissions testing at all. Driving without a valid safety inspection sticker can result in a variety of consequences. After the inspection is completed and passed, you will be given a safety inspection sticker that will allow you to drive legally on the roads. In order to obtain a car plate sticker renewal, your car must pass an annual safety inspection.

Virginia law suggests that you must title and register your vehicle at a customer service center, select DMV offices or mobile offices. If your car sticker was not received, there are a few things that could have led to your sticker being lost or simply not sent. It is important to know that no motor vehicles can be on the road without the proper registration. Your Virginia DMV registration sticker plays a large role in you being able to legally operate a vehicle in the state. What to Do If You Have Not Received Your Registration Sticker in Virginia